Our Services


Brand Development

You have a business to run. Let us help by realizing your brand’s potential. A strong brand creates awareness in the marketplace. We understand this and have the experience to deliver a brand strategy that takes your company to the next level.


Your company in need of a rebrand? We’ll help. After performing a deep dive to understand what’s important to you and your customers, we’ll develop a contemporary brand that will better position your company for future business.

Creative Support

The various lifecycles in business can sometimes move quickly. During those times, we’ll help you by offering creative support for your company or team. You need to focus on your business. We can handle the creative.


Website Development

Your company’s website is often the first contact with new customers. We’ll help you by developing a website that works well and meets your customer needs. It’ll look great too!

Logo Design

Your company’s logo is often the first impression of your business, so it has to be right. Space Fox Design will work with you to design a logo that captures the look and feel you need to best represent your brand.

Visual Design

Whether you’re designing an interior space or an outside billboard, we’ll help you fully realize your creative ideas. Let us know what you need. We’d love to help.